So if you know me very well at all you know that I'm rather affected by my dreams, I think this mostly has to do with the fact that I remember them so clearly and I think THAT has to do with the fact that I'm such a light sleeper and I wake directly out of REM sleep. Seriously all you have to do to wake me up is say "Leigh" and I'll go "What?", and if I don't respond I'm probably just pretending...
People think it's bull crap that certain things in your dream may represent what is happening in your waking life, but for me it all ends up working out. And when people tell you their dreams they're really telling you the deepest depths of their soul through a story, and telling a story is a much easier way to convey your emotions rather than just saying "My life is too overwhelming and I'm terrified of failing". So instead we hear a story about a Blue row boat docked in a harbor outside your window and a parking lot that you ran through till you got to a room filled with your family and friends that was next to a pool that you jumped into and started to drown in. Because when you tell a story like that you think you're just telling it because it "was just so weird" when really you're exposing yourself like you wouldn't otherwise.
seriously, go to www.dreammoods.com and in the little "Interpret" box type in one by one:
parking lot
and you'll know what the story I just told you is really about.