I realized today that when I think about finding the guy for me I think of finding "The Nino to my Amelie" and the "Stephane to my Stephanie". This of course is referring to the stories of "Amelie" and "The Science of sleep". I suppose it's because I imagine the guy I end up with being some one as strange if not stranger than me....and possibly French?

Those things aren't mutually exclusive...

It's interesting to think of one's meeting of their significant other as a potential "Story". I suppose it's what I want to happen, I suppose it's inevitable. But we forget so easily that love stories start with out us realizing it, the beginning is not seen until the very end. Yours could be happening right now and you could have no knowledge of it.
My Parents for instance, their Parents used to play cards together while little Clark and Carolyn were running around as tots in the living room. It wouldn't be until 20 or so years later that they'd see each other in a bar in down town Cleveland, my Mother purposely bumping into my handsome father and my Dad fumbling for the words to mention to this gorgeous lady that he thought she was some one that, oddly enough, they both ended up knowing....
Foolishly I sometimes think that I'll see him and meet him and that will be it....but it'll be so much more frustrating and drawn out than that, as all of my love stories have been so far...all two of them....that I know of. Patience.
Ok, that's enough Leigh.
Being single is sexy.