I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to writing an entry since I moved here....it's not like I haven't had any time to do so, just not really the will. Isn't that usually how these things go?
The Job search is going and going, I mostly wish I had one so that when I go back to visit Ohio this weekend I could tell everyone what I'm doing instead of what I wish i were doing...or what I'm trying to do. All I will say is that Nannying seems to be the most promising thing to come around.
I'm here at 3216 N Drake listening to "rainy day like" music, hanging out with Geeg. It's raining again for the umpteenth time this week, I still say I like it better than snow at this point. The sweatshirt I threw on this morning is that of a friend who gave it up Saturday night in order to keep me dry on the walk back to my place. Watching me pull it on he says "You look much better in that than me, you should just keep it". Wearing it makes me feel cared about by a good, old friend.
I went and saw Watchmen on Sunday, I enjoyed it, I have my reservations about it, but I enjoyed it. Probably because I went in to it with such low expectations. I went and saw it with 7 other friends of mine....in Cleveland I had a hard time wrangling one person to see a film with me....at some point during the movie I remember just smiling at the fact that I was surrounded by such quality people, it made me endlessly happy.
I have the possibility of two shows coming up. I'm defiantly playing at Femfest at North Park university in Java House March 27th at 7:30. So if you want to see my triumphant return please come and watch me attempt to play music in front of people again. I might possibly be playing with some folks at The Mutiny on April 30th along with The Clams who are for sure playing....so be there anyways.
I returned to Barry Methodist Church on Sunday with Kate and I brought Darcie along. Right away I felt part of the community again. I now have a house to go to for Easter Dinner and it looks like some opportunities for babysitting in my future :) Barry is a great funky little artsy church community, I'm glad that Darcie will be coming with me every Sunday...not to mention that she has a car and she lives with me.
My Roommates of course are amazing women. Creative, responsible, sweet, creative, generous, beautiful, smart, funny, women. It's too bad we'll only be living together for 3 months...Not to mention there's a fantastic Dog here named Geeg. He helps me feel a little safer, and he's oh so adorable.
I'm supposed to be here, I'm so happy that I am here. I've only been here 2 weeks and it's already been an explosion of creativity, shows, theater, friendship and endless blessings. Prayers that I'll find a job in the next week eh?
Much love to all. If you're not here, I really miss you.
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