Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Too long to submit to "textsfromlastnight.com"

When I get really bored, like say when I'm selling Merch for this guy at the Abbey, I get some A riffing material off of my friends.

For Example:

(216) Their Manager is really cute…

(719) FUCK!

(216) He’s running their sound board and he waved at me once…I think he’s the one

(719) I think it would be appropriate to call him Neo if you know what I mean

(216) He’s bending my spoon…if you know what I mean

(719) I want to take the blue pill if you know what I mean

(216) I don’t know what you mean

(719) I think I might be pregnant if you know what I mean

(216) FUCK THAT!

(719) That was not true please be calm

....it might only be funny to some but you get the Idea. When I'm making people laugh, weather it's at a get together or just a correspondence over texting, I feel more like myself. I feel like I haven't been my jokey self for the past couple months and I'm glad to see that it's returning, even though I'm making a fool of myself half the time... 


Sarah said...

The fool is often the wisest character... if you know what I mean.

darcie said...

you make me laugh, if you know what i mean.