So I'm in this band and I think we're calling ourselves "Project Stink eye" but I kind of like just plain ole "stink eye" better....what do you think?
We played our first gig last Saturday for a fundraiser, and there was a great turn out for a 3:00 pm show. People seemed to like us and were a little surprised to see like a "serious" band at an improv fundraiser.... (all the others seemed to be solos or duets) Anyways, we sounded good, despite my amp cutting out half way through. Me and Joel sang some pretty harmonies and I had a lot of fun slapping my bass.
I've been having a hard time writing in this blog lately. Maybe because I have almost nothing exciting to write about, maybe because things are so crazy and strange that they're a little too odd to be writing in this blog, maybe I need to start being more candid with this thing, then you'd REALLY know how odd I am.
Like the fact that this week I'm helping run Vacation Bible school at my church, but come Friday and Saturday I'll be stage managing a show that involves magic, contortionists, fire eaters and burlesque dancers. Well....Jesus loves them all.
Day time and Night time.
Pandora just popped up "Where is my mind" by the Pixies....very fitting.
I have been feeling very un-Leigh lately.....or maybe I'm finally acting like myself after a summer of feeling alienated....gawd who knows. All I know is that my life recently has involved odd sleeping hours, Dark Dark Warehouse rock and roll shows flask of whiskey in hand, Drinking boxed wine back stage with ladies after they've stripped down to only pasties and booty shorts, Volunteering at my church, working 12 hour days a week straight for a Psychoanalytical conference and learning how to be a single dating person......finally.
My two little sisters are coming to visit/go to Lolapalooza this week. I'm stoked....hopefully they wont be too weirded out by my life here.
The guy in the painting is giving a stink eye if I ever saw. A guy I met this weekend named Nathaniel Loman did it. So give credit where it is due.
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