I want to be able to go to the doctor when I see that my surgery scare opened up over night. I don't want to have to wonder "Can I afford Rent, Gas and a trip to the doctor this month?"
I want not to be angry at my employers for taking advantage of young struggling theater professionals by paying them less than 8 dollars an hour when there's no way for them to afford health insurance and little time for them to take on a second job.....but hey it's money right?
At the Gala last night, heard over our radios:
"J to front of house staff, does anyone have a 20 we can lend to a patron to get home?"
"J, we work at Chicago Shakespeare Theater, none of us have a 20."
"Copy "We-don't-pay-you-enough".
I want to sleep all the way through the night. Just once.
I want that grey double breasted Burberry coat I saw when I was working coat check last night.
I want there to be more jobs for everyone.
I want to not be such a whiner...
I want to start a Blog that's for more than just complaining.
First off, my verification code to leave this comment is "focarles". That makes me smile.
Second, you are not a whiner. Your life is tough and the bit about the 20 is priceless.
It will work out somehow. Things lead to other things.
I loved seeing you this past weekend and I miss you already. You are in my prayers lady.
Sorry, I saw your blog title on someone else's blog and I was like, "I know that, where have I heard that before?"
I also like the post, I can't wait for spring already!
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