I've had it stuck in my head all day. And if you listen you can see why...it's pretty easy to get something stuck in your head when the lyrics are all just rhythmic syllables. The title for this song is perfect because I think "adoring" some one is a difficult emotion to express in words and the joyful energy of this song is the same kind of feeling you get when you adore a person, like really adore them. Which is a little more than "caring" and only vaguely similar to "loving". So there you go, maybe you can have it stuck in your head for a while.
When I have a problem with a person I am in a mutual relationship with, I can usually go up to them and say "hey, I'm having an issue with something you're doing blah blah blah" and I can just release whatever negativeness is inside me and move on with my life. But right now I have an anger towards a person that I don't know and haven't met and I have no place to go to that person and say "ok....wtf." So there's no release at the moment, and it's one of those things where I just need to remove myself from the situation even though a person I really care about is involed. I don't consider myself to be a person who is "all up in another persons grill" but...I'm involved, and I'm angry and I don't know what to do other than breath deep, remove myself and just forget and move on....but how do i do that?.....I think I just need to be patient and it'll slowly melt away to an emotion less intense than this one. ok.....*siiiiiiiiigh*.....
I've been kind of snappy in general lately. And I hate that when I am I get asked "Are you on your period?" or "Are you getting your Period?" no! I'm not on my fucking period, nor am I getting it! Aren't I allowed to be snappy for reasons other than my hormones!?......heheh... right? I think I've been snappy because I've been so isolated. I have two jobs that have started, one I've been waiting to start for the past three months (frustration number one) and nothing else to do, so I sit and rot for most of the week, this is especially true because most of the time I'm stranded with out a car in the suburbs. So I'm stuck in this house, this house that can be very cozy and very debilitating. I just need to be productive some how...
Thankfully I got out of the house and went to the first preseason game of the Cavs, My Dad had a friend hook us up with some courtside seats, and I got a free t-shirt because my friend Joe is on the "cavs crew".....people go INSANE for t-shirts man....it's halarious. I had some Great Lakes Dortmunder and two plain hot dogs (my favorite). That was nice to get out of the house, and I have decided that I'm going to be a real cavs fan this season, check up on stats and go to games and blah blah blah, I read all about basketball on Wikipedia today and I found out that the game was actually invented by a Canadian!!
This guy! Dr. James Naismith.

I mean he was in a YMCA in Mass. at the time but still. Not only that but the first pro game was played in Toronto! I know, the Canadians did something cool! right? Seriously though I love Canada ;)
And yes I wikipedia'd Basketball....a girls gotta know what position does what and what constitutes a foul and all that if she's going to be sitting courtside.
So I'm sick, and have to work tomorrow morning, and when I took a nap earlier I had deleriously feverish dreams and woke up more exhasted than when I had gone to sleep....so now I'm going to try this sleep thing again....we'll see what my brain comes up with now.
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