Can I be kind of cheesy for a moment?
I am so blessed to be surrounded by people who constantly inspire me to do the things that I
might otherwise fear to do. Things like: Traveling to another country, learning a new language, doing what I love to do because there isn't any other way to be happy. These are all things that of course I believe are important, but in a world that doesn't put enough emphasis on the importance of art, community and worldliness, it's nice to be consistently
surrounded by people who are inspiring to say the least..... and I'd like to do a little tribute here if that's alright with you.
You Inspire me by letting me know:

Work really hard and you can do anything. It's usually worth it.

Don't stop pursuing your dreams. Write the kind of music that you love. Keep a steady head. Music is a 6th sense for some people. Get the people you know that love what you do involved in what you're doing.

Dancing is an important form of expression. Being kind to others is key. Being a girl out of the ordinary is cool and sexy. Writing a book can be hard, but in the end it's probably worth it. There is no flavor of alcohol you cannot create on your own.

You can put on a play anywhere you like when ever you like as long as you are helping a cause while you do it. Don't be afraid to be smart. Work hard if you want to do what you love.

Laugh as hard as you possibly can while never giving up on the things other people really are counting on you to do.

Live the good life, this involves; Playing the music you love, cooking and eating things that you enjoy daily, showing love to every person you come into contact with. When words fail, communication through music is key.

Watch films that are good, then you will make films that are good. The more you practice your craft, the better you'll get at it. (in Dan's case, Movies and photos) It's never too late to rediscover your faith.
Play the music you love where ever you can, as often as you can, even if other people might not know what the hell you're doing, at least you'll gather a crowd. There's more to do with your love of music than just play, (i.e. make a tape label, work at an up and coming music venue)

Nothing is impossible as long as you work hard enough and have good beer to drink at hand. Your friends are some of the most valuable people in your life and should be treated as such. Also toys are fun to buy, make and play with.
Be Brave. It's ok to be sad in a beautiful place.
"Kissing is a really easy way to feel good about yourself," I said. "But I need to find other ways to feel good about myself. Like writing a story. Or learning more Spanish. Or becoming closer to God. Or learning to cook Egyptian stew."
I read that from her blog a couple times a week as a very valuable reminder.

Cross cultural boundaries. Step out of your comfort zone and discover things about other humans that you may have never bothered to know. Make music where ever you are, whether it be in a different country, house, state you'll always find other people to make music with you.

Art is fun. Friends are valuable. All animals need loving and deserve it. Be proud of your height, beauty, style....and don't be afraid to experiment with it. It's possible to love what you do for a living at a young age.....really just enjoy your life.

Don't give up on a dream. Even if it's a little different, even if it tears you away from the other things you love for a little bit. Take the pain you've experienced in life and let it show in a beautiful way through your artistic skill. Practice a lot if you want to be good at what you do.

Poetry can be funny. People will pay you to work in the theater. Start a theater company. Find the people you know will probably be awesome and make them your friend. There's a lot of good television out there.

People will actually give you money to make theater if you're good at what you do, and you're only good at what you do if you're having fun while you're doing it. If you have a good idea, just do it!

Making lists isn't actually as evil as you might think it is. New places and change might be scary but you may find that happiness was waiting for you there. Pursuit of the truth is more important than debt. Cook good food, do it a lot so you get good at it. Community is very, very important. Seek help if you need it. Write often. Do what you love because that's the only way you can be happy.
I can't thank my friends enough for always reminding me that what you love is always worth pursuing. This has been a weird time in my life where I'm constantly thinking about the next step I'm going to be making and how I'm going to be making it. It's always good to know that there are other people out there that I know and love, that are blazing a bit of the trail for me and with me.
Ok done being cheesy now.
wow. this is cool.
ah i would be crying if i weren´t at work right now...
you are an inspiration, my dear. a feisty, confident, good-seeking, hard-working, vulnerable, brave, creative, kind, FUN, funny, beautiful inspiration. i am very very thankful for our friendship...i can´t wait to come back and see you, hopefully in chicago, and we can share travelers´ stories.
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