The Monotone hum of my sister reading "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" out loud to herself so she can compare and contrast it in a paper that's due tomorrow morning.
The "scratch............scratch..........scratch" at the door, signaling some one to get off their tush and let Montana in, out of the cold.
The "Daling ling! wrrrr wrrrr wrrrr" of my cell phone, indicating a text messege has been receieved. Jon's feeling better, Erics power has gone out, Andrew wants me to drive out to Alliance again.
Other than that, it's really silent out here, especially in the winter when the house is all shut up. I used to come home from the city and not be able to fall asleep, it was so quiet. Other than the ringing in my ears, I didn't hear a sound. So Sirens, no reggeaton, no people shouting across the hall. There's no hum in Moreland Hills, Chicago has a hum that used to rock me to sleep at night.
The Sirens, the beeps the barks all became one day long hum. But when I visited Chicago a couple weeks ago I started noticing every noise that went on outside. I asked Maureen if she realized her next door neighbors were selling drugs, because I noticed a couple yuppies pull up outside their apt. give a couple suspisious honks, do a quick exchange with a "hood" looking hispanic guy, and speed away. "no" she said "I guess is all just fades into the background". The next morning an alarm was going off downstairs and I asked Chaz what it was "oh that? I don't even notice it anymore, I think it's an alarm or something". It's funny how we can be conditioned to live in certain areas.
I just bought a ticket to go to Chicago December 8th - 12th. Merry Christmas everyone!...yes, my gift to you is the presence of me :-)

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