The Date is set, the deal is made. I'm moving in with Miss Young and Miss Burns in their Logan square apartment this March. It is going to be fabulous.
Obviously I have been planning this for quite some time now, but I'm still pretty amazed that it's kind of coming together. Darcie offering me this room for one thing is a God send. I'll be talking to people about Jobs everyday till I get there, not to mention I'll probably mosey on over there as soon as I can for some interview type things, and everything will hopefully come together and my move there will be successful and permanent.
So I'm sitting here doing the math, making sure everything will be in place, planning my close to perfect life in Chicago. I'm mentally preparing myself for living frugally, which entails eating mostly Zaterans rice mixes and drinking mainly PBR. as well as figuring out how I'm going to chase a boy that lives states away as I thrive in the city of my choosing
....is it weird for Girls to chase Boys? Like in a non-playground kind of way.....it's ok I think, especially since this particular boy has been chasing me on some level for roughly 5 years....So the goal is that I give chase with out feeling insane, which will obviously be difficult. SO let me know if you want to road trip it to New York City any time, any time at all.
This Month is going to be all about problem solving, though I suppose that's kind of what life is about, but this month in particular I will be deliberately solving each problem that needs to be taken care of before I move to Chicago, there seems to be quite a few. BUT I AM DETERMINED!
My brain is dying. I didn't leave the house all day today, mainly because it snowed and work was cancelled, also because I didn't have access to a car all day, frustrating. So my brain is dying. my motivation to paint, read, play music, write, do logic puzzles, whatever... is dwindling...I hate it. Make it come back.
I don't care who you are or how good you think you may be, when I get to Chicago, we're playing music together.
I am concerned that since you are living with people I don't know, and who's shirt that I wore is my only connection, I will never (more or less) see you. The fear is real, man.
you are silly. You do not have to worry about this.
guess who eeeeeeeeeeeeeelse is moving back to chicago... ?
see you there in a few sweet months homie.
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